Thursday, January 30, 2014


   Genetics are small parts of DNA. You have nearly 20,000 but all your genes are so small that they fit in one nucleus. Your nucleus contains 99.9% of your genes the mitochondria contains a few more genes.If you measure all your genes it will measure 6ft long.
   The long molecules of DNA containing your genes are organized into small pieces called chromosomes,different species have different numbers of chromosomes. Humans usually have 46 chromosomes.


  One day I was slowly walking  down the  street  when  I saw a  mix of bright colors splattered across a blank wall. I couldn’t take my eyes off its  beauty. It was  a shark that was light blue and white,with black eyes. Its razor sharp teeth were sticking out . the shark was standing on its feet and it was wearing shoes. The shoes were black and white cortezes and he also had some green and black army shorts The drawing was like 5ft tall.     
  The picture looked cartoonish but it was truely an amazing graffiti drawing. Graffiti is writing or drawings that have been scribbled, scratched or  sprayed on a wall or another surface in public. people consider graffiti to be vandalism but I think of graffiti as art.
    Graffiti can express many people’s ideas on a blank surface. It also can express peoples feelings. For example if the artist is happy he will use bright colors but if the artist is  mad or sad he will use dark colors. Some people might think graffiti is vandalism because they tag on peoples houses but suppose you tag on your own house and let people see it. I’m almost certain that mostly all of them will consider it art instead of  vandalism.
   I recommend you to go to google and search because it will change your mind from thinking its vandalism to thinking its art. Every reasonable person would agree that graffiti is art.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

slo mo rollercoaster

A sphere is allowed to roll down a track of rubber bands. The longer the sphere takes to get down the better. I learned the average speed is calculated by dividing the distance an object travels, by the length of time it took the object to travel that path.